Zionist Fallout and an Independent Press

Anna Baltzer, author, and Haithem El-Zabri, founder of the Palestine Online Store. Austin, TX, November 2008. (Photographer unknown.)

I found this photo on Mondoweiss.net, a site devoted to US policy in the Middle East. Adam Horowitz and Philip Weiss, whose articles frequently appear in The Nation and Huffington Post among others, maintain the blog as a project of The Nation Institute.

The people in the photo are Anna Baltzer, a Jewish-American author and champion of the rights of Palestinians in their home lands, and Haithem El-Zabri, a Palestinian-American. This isn’t the kind of photo we would expect to see in the mainstream national media.

Given the blatant horrors of Israel’s treatment and subjugation of Palestinians in Israel, the American press should be astounded at our Israeli foreign policy. Instead, Zionism reigns supreme, no matter the fact that natives of the regions are imprisoned, starved, refused work, refused permission to reunite with their families, and then attacked by Israel’s army for complaining about it.  Granted, Palestinians have complained with shells and mortars, but if Americans were denied these basic human rights, would we sit complacently in our ghettos without fighting back? I think not. I saw Red Dawn, and I approved. (May Patrick Swayze’s soul rest in peace.)

Some of my friends have asked where to find independent news sources. The Nation is a good place to start, and has been around for a long time – 145 years – and its mission of unbiased, non-hysterical reporting of news should be the custom of all journalists, not just an ideal or aspiration.

The Nation will not be the organ of any party, sect, or body. It will, on the contrary, make an earnest effort to bring to the discussion of political and social questions a really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of violence, exaggeration, and misrepresentation by which so much of the political writing of the day is marred.

— from The Nation’s founding prospectus, July 6, 1865

The Nation Institute was founded about 100 years after the weekly news magazine. Its website says that “[t]he Institute places particular importance on strengthening the independent press in the face of America’s increasingly corporate-controlled flow of information, and through its programs the Institute promotes progressive values on a variety of media platforms. The Institute sponsors conferences, investigative research, seminars, televised town-hall meetings, original web content, book publishing, film production, fellowships, internships, and awards for truth-telling and social activism.”

I cannot conceive of higher ideals in journalism.

Some of my more conservative friends may claim that The Nation is a left-leaning rag that spends its time bashing Sarah Palin and wringing its hands about mythical global warming. It isn’t. Yes, it supports logical, reasoned debate and yes, it reports scientific conclusions.

Frankly, I do not understand the logic for supporting Palin’s self-professed ignorance of current events (I can assure you, The Nation is not among the news sources she regularly reads) or for dismissing the empirical data provided by science on the issue of climate change, so I don’t have a problem with that. I blast illogical, histrionic, and patently silly pretenders to political thrones whenever I get the opportunity. I revel in exposing foolish denial of scientific proof because it presents an inconvenience to something the denier holds dear, be it the existence of dinosaurs or the depletion of fossil fuels.

We owe it to ourselves to educate ourselves.

Immigration Disaster

Several of my friends have posted blogs about illegal aliens lately. A couple have referred to the invasion from the south, referring to the staggering number of illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico. It has prompted me to contemplate the issue more fully than I have in the past.

I have come to the inescapable conclusion that many believe we are being invaded by a vast horde that was never invited here, never applied through legal channels to come here, and which we have neither the infrastructure nor the economy to support.

I want to make it perfectly clear that I have no objection whatsoever to legal immigration. Congress should, in my opinion, make better immigration policies that pave a pathway to integration and citizenship. But in the face of the mind-boggling numbers of illegal immigrants, reducing the number of foreign-born people coming legally to the U.S. would seem only to punish those who go about things the proper way and reward those who do not. Congress needs to focus on the “invasion” from the south more than it needs to worry about the people who are doing things the right way. It needs to prioritize according to the severity of the crisis. What is happening in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas is just that: a crisis. But it’s a crisis in which the United States is complicit and which it could handle much better.

I’ve seen lots of irritation over Spanish language options at banks, telephone service calls, and government offices. Why is this option even necessary? Here’s why: “nearly 50 million Americans spoke a language other than English at home in 2004—nearly one-fifth of all U.S. residents age 5 or older.”

Holy Hablamos Español, Batman.

With the current estimated levels of immigrants – legal and extra-legal – coming across the Río Grande, the number of non-English speaking homes is increasing rapidly. Population growth by immigration outpaces the rate at which we are replacing our U.S.-born population.

The government estimates that in 2005, there were “between 11.5 million and 12 million unauthorized immigrants and 10.5 million legal immigrants.” That’s right. There were at least one million more illegal immigrants in this country than legal immigrants. These numbers do not take into consideration naturalized citizens.

What’s even more staggering is that Hispanics account for almost one-half of the U.S. population growth overall. Now, to be fair, only about 60% of the non-legal immigrants are Mexican, so it’s not like we can just blame Mexico. Another 20% are from other Latin American countries. Eighty percent of the illegal aliens in this country are Spanish-speaking. Sí, Dear Reader, español se habla aquí, y se habla mucho.

Our infrastructure cannot keep up with the explosive growth due to immigration at these levels. In the video I’ve embedded below, we are told that in order to keep up with the population growth due considerably to uncontrolled illegal immigration, a new school will have to be built every single day from now until the end of time. That doesn’t even take into consideration the financial burden such population growth places on cities where these immigrants settle. Housing, food, transportation, the environment, road building, social services, child welfare, care of the elderly, daycare, water consumption, sewage treatment, garbage removal and disposal – the list goes on and on.

The National Guard and the Reserves are now being redirected to help with border patrol when they aren’t being sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Deployment of these forces, which was infrequent before the 1990s, is available for all who want to go and required of many who don’t.

But are any of these wars worth fighting?