Report Released on How Texas Public Schools Teach the Bible

Nearly 50 years ago the U.S. Supreme Court decided School District of Abington Township v. Schempp and held that public school courses that use the Bible in a purely secular manner, and which do not cross the line into religious instruction or present the subject from a particular religious viewpoint, are acceptable.

Ever since, religiously fervent school teachers, stubborn school districts, and posturing politicians have done their level best to show their contempt of the high court.

“The Bible as Literature,” “Biblical History,” and similarly-titled electives occasionally popped up. The content of these courses has always been suspect. In recent years the prevalence of these courses has ramped up.

We live in an era of state legislators passing laws directing schools to teach the Bible. Texas is famous for having done it first. Other states followed: Georgia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and, most recently, Arizona. Other states have bills pending that would permit it, including Arkansas. Notably absent from these laws are directives on teaching non-Biblical religious texts. Also notable about these laws is that they purport to make legal something that is already legal. They are pointless posturing for the religious right. They serve as a rallying cry and a way to legitimize proselytizing in the public classroom.

The Texas Freedom Network is an activist coalition of religious and community leaders dedicated to fighting the religious right’s agenda in that state. Its Education Fund sponsored a  study of the Bible classes permitted by Texas law in public schools. The study was conducted by Mark A. Chancey, a Religious Studies Professor at Southern Methodist University’s Dedman College of Arts and Humanities.  Professor Chancey has worked with the Texas Freedom Network for years. He has published a lot of material about the prevalence of religious instruction in supposedly secular classrooms.

The study found that at least 60 Texas school districts teach Christian creationism as science, and teach the Bible from a religious viewpoint.

Most of the teachers have no specific training in how to teach the Bible in a secular framework; some of the teachers of these classes are actually ministers. Of the ten school districts that did provide some training for the teachers of these classes, most used a one-day session geared toward the Bible Literacy Project’s textbook whether or not that textbook was actually used. Quite often, texts supplementing the Bible were “written specifically for Christian audiences for purposes of strengthening their faith.” (Curriculums that stayed close to the Bible Literacy Project tended to be of the highest quality.)

The content of the courses was rife with factual errors. Many relied on rote memorization of biblical passages and eschewed critical thinking entirely. Those that supplemented the textbook usually did so with books designed to bolster religious faith. Mitch Albom and C.S. Lewis featured prominently, and even Hal Lindsey’s absurd icon of eschatology, The Late Great Planet Earth, gets time and serious study.

(Whenever I write the word “eschatology,” I want to write “scatology.” Why are these words so similar? Coincidence? I think not.)

Unsurprisingly, given the lack of training and lack of a coherent curriculum for these courses, teachers present conservative Protestant theological claims and interpretations as widely accepted – and true – in Texas classrooms.

The entire report is available online.

I expect conservative evangelical Christians in Texas to howl about a biased report. They may be right.

While the report does have some positive things to say about the Bible Literacy Project’s curriculum, it is definitely not an independent report. The Texas Freedom Network is a group of both secularists and religious leaders who want to maintain the integrity of a secular public classroom. The organization is not solely secularist. That fact lends it more credibility than if an anti-theist group (read: we, us, the atheists) produced it. Nevertheless, the group works hard to fight the religious right. I expect supporters of classroom Bible study to perceive the report as an attack on baby Jesus.

(This post originally appeared at

Last Updated on February 2, 2013 by Anne

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