If Voting Really Changed Things, It Would Be Illegal

“I want my country back!”

This cry is heard at political rallies and plastered all over the Internet. For some reason, those who utter that cry think the country was once theirs.

How wrong they are.

Is anyone’s way of life in such jeopardy because of social change that he should seriously be afraid?

Rhetoric in our political realm is dehumanizing. We call each other names like “Socialist” and “Neocon,” but what do we really mean?

The media has enormous power over people’s perceptions. But where are the ideas that really foment change? And why aren’t the ideas that make no sense attacked?

Go to a political rally. Approach the protester with the sign.

Is the sign about taxes being too high? Ask the protester how much is fair. How much is that protester willing to pay to have roads, police, firefighters, clean running water, and pollution standards. How much is he willing to pay to ensure education for his children, affordable food, and safe drugs. How much is she willing to pay to ensure that she can’t be discriminated against at work or in stores? How much are they willing to pay to protect children and the elderly from abuse? How much are they willing to pay to treat the mentally ill? Is it a wise use of tax dollars to regulate oil pipelines? How much are they willing to pay to get government help the next time a tornado destroys their neighborhood?

Is the sign about maintaining a personal freedom? Ask the protester when the freedom should be restricted. Is it permissible for his freedom to curtail someone else’s? Should he be free to cause harm? Does curtailing his freedom prevent him from enjoying a full life? What if the sign is about restricting a freedom? Does that freedom impinge on the protester’s life personally? Does another person’s exercise of freedom compromise his? What is the harm of expanding or compromising that freedom?


Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by Anne

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